The philosophy is that rather than trying to write long articles, I will try to write something, even if it is a few sentences on a regular basis.
Now that I have screened out all but the most dependable readers, I am here for you to try and give a glimpse of what life is like volunteering and living in New Orleans. I have been extremely busy. Learning open source, programming and new web design techniques. I have actually moved more toward the media collective here and I'm less involved in the tech collective. I just finished uploading new versions of the Common Ground Documentaries to the Common ground Website.

There really is a tension here in New Orleans caused by not only the results of Katrina, but years of growing levels of corruption and racism. There is also a disproportionate number of people returning who have been unable to create a new life after evacuation. While others who have been able to find work and resources elsewhere have not made a decision to return.
I am going to take a break and visit the monastery from the 19th til the 27th or so. Looking forward to some time away, good friends and indoor living.