Saturday, October 21, 2006
This film was made 120 days after Katrina, but there is very little difference between the scenes in this video and what I saw a few days ago. Apart from personal property, business remain abandoned, schools empty with their front doors flung open and even stoplights that have not been brought back into service. From what I have been told much of the lower 9th ward remains without water and electricity. For someone who didn't know they would think Katrina happened a few weeks ago in the Lower 9th ward. One can watch all these videos, but when I see it first hand it really hits hard and makes me go through a real mix of emotions.
I helped a really nice gentleman fill out his on-line application for "The Road Home" because he has not received any money from his insurance company or FEMA. His case is confusing because has power of attorney for his brother and they are co-owners of the property. It is sad that because he has a "special case" it seems the are being very slow about helping him. Meanwhile his home continues to deteriorate.